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Adobe releases Flash converter for HTML5.

Adobe has just introduced their latest products that will change the Flash content into HTML5. The product is not an answer to the problems that arise relating to animation, banners and others, but the product was the beginning of a future where Flash and HTML5. So Flash and HTML can be complementary. "Adobe's work is to help internet users to solve problems a

nd not fixated on one technology," writes John Nack, Principal Product Manager Adobe through its official page. John continued that millions of users have been honing their skills with flash animation web and now they want to get content that can be run anywhere. "Adobe's answer this challenge with the release of the Wallaby, the converter flash to HTML5," said John. Wallaby is the experimental device and is only available in Adobe Labs for today. Wallaby convert Flash artwork and animation from the fla files and convert them in HTML. Vector graphics will soon be converted to SVG files, then a static image to a JPEG and text files included in the HTML file. Latest converter from Adobe is intended only for WebKit-based browser, such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and two of the safari mobile browser and Android mobile browser. In spite of its limitations, this tool can run banner ads are great and simple animation. Currently, Adobe continues to develop their products to meet the challenges the Internet presence of the latest technologies such as HTML5

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